can also detect the precursor stage to colorectal cancer known as Advanced Adenoma*

* Advanced adenomas are groupings of cells called polyps that over 1cam in diameter and form within the lining of the colon. Advanced adenomas are often a precursor to the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). The 42% sensitivity for detecting advanced adenomas exceeds the general guidelines and supporting literature which list performance targets for detecting advanced adenomas as 25%. Colon AiQ’s performance in this category is similar to the performance of Stool DNA Tests/Cologuard

Trusted performance based on
more than 250,000 patient tests

Sadly, the overall CRC screening rate of eligible adults in the U.S. is only 59%.
By offering this non-invasive, blood-based alternative we are working to increase the
number of people who get life-saving screening tests for Colorectal Cancer (CRC)