DNA Methylation Signals
examines faint tumor signals circulating in a person’s blood that are specific to colon cancer and the precursor polyps of the disease called Advanced Adenoma.
The test uses patented DNA Methylation technology that can find small traces of Tumor Cell-Free DNA in the blood even at incredibly small concentrations. This means the test has high sensitivity for early stage cancer detection and does not require and kind of invasive procedure of stool sample.

zeros in on 5 specific DNA regions (also known as DNA Haplotype Blocks) that have been all studied and have a clear link to colorectal cancer (CRC). The test’s patented chemistry accurately determines if a cancer signal is present in any of these clinically-validated biomarkers and then the results are automatically interpretated using an AI-powered computer analysis.
If a patient receives a ‘positive’ finding that a CRC cancer signal has been detected, than it is recommended that they consult with their healthcare provider and seek further testing including a colonoscopy.

uses patented chemistry and advanced AI-powered analysis to detect colon cancer signals even before someone may be experiencing any symptoms
Steps in the Analysis

The best thing you can do to fight against colon cancer is to get screened. People who find out about their cancer early have a far greater chance of a full recovery. This test has been designed as a non-invasive blood-based screening tool for adults age 45 to 75 and for younger adults who may be at greater risk. The test is not meant for people who have recently had a blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant, or are pregnant or who have immediate family members who are pregnant, or who have recently been treated for cancer.